How it all began
My name is Sophie Scott and I proudly run Ta-dah SEN, so named due to my twins throwing their arms out as babies to the sound ‘Ta-dah!’ I am a mother of 5 children and am born and bred in Salisbury. My background is hugely varied but individuals with Special Needs were introduced to me at a young age. Throughout my childhood I very much identified with those who were struggling in one way or another, as I too found it difficult to find my feet.
From 2012 to 2015 I was lucky enough to work with some amazing children in school settings, who cemented my thoughts that working with individuals with additional needs was the direction I wanted to travel. In 2015, when my twins were born 10 weeks prematurely, I had no idea the journey that was just about to sweep me away.
When they were just 12 weeks-old I began tutoring one child whose Mum I had met whilst my twins were in the NICU. Five and a half years later I have worked with more than 160 children, run military webinars, arranged Education Law seminars, worked with specialist dyslexia settings and have become well thought of by the Educational Psychologists local to me.
I have become highly-skilled in many aspects of tutoring those with a wide variety and combination of needs. Many of my students are diagnosed with difficulties such as ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, GDD, ODD and PDA. However, there are those that come to me with no diagnosis at all.
My ethos is very simple, that those children who have a love of learning and are well supported can overcome the fundamental barriers to learning that they face. It is essential that their tutoring experience is positive and gives the confidence and resilience to succeed.
Ta-dah SEN is entirely focused on the children and their needs. It is a huge part of both mine and my families lives. Events are supported by my entire family, who are incredibly understanding and push me to do better.