The primary service provided by Ta-dah SEN is tuition. Since 2015, I have been providing 1:1, 2:1 and small group tuition. This initially began with KS2 children but this has been extended out and there is now no age limitation.
The list of needs I have supported (now totaling more than 160 children) are extensive, including both academic and medical needs. This includes dyslexia, dycalculia, ADHD, ASD and Global Development delay. I work closely with parents to provide a complete, tailored provision which encompasses both needs and preferences.
I work with children who attend full time education (mainstream and specialist) as well as those who are home educated. Each child has their own individual needs, priorities and preferences, all of which are catered to. The approach used is different for each child and where requested, resources are also provided for additional learning outside of sessions.
The recent pandemic provided ample opportunity for experimentation and perfection of online tuition techniques and as a result I now provide regular online support. This has been highly successful, with almost all of my student base managing to access learning with me online from March 2020 to the present day. This has provided routine and continuity in a situation where we have all been attempting to find a stable, reliable base.
I am also able to provide 1:1 support, financed by parents but within the school environment. I hold the relevant DBS check, insurance, First Aid training and Safe Guarding training required. This is agreed in very specific situations by the Headteacher of a school.
Tuition fees do vary, dependent on many factors. Shorter sessions are available for those who struggle with focus for a prolonged amount of time (30 to 45 minutes). Paired sessions are available both in person (when Covid guidelines permit) and online. Small group sessions can be arranged in person at a hired venue or online. Sibling sessions are available at a reduced rate.
Initial meetings and assessments are completely free of charge and if you would like further information please email sophie@tadahsen.co.uk or use the contact page on the website.
SEN Library
We offer a free loan system of a wide range of resources to anyone within the Salisbury area (subject to purchase of any single item). For a full list of our current library and availability, please contact us by email.