Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Tuition can be an effective, useful tool in the support of a child with SEN. It can provide transferable skills which allow a child to thrive in all areas of life. However, securing support for the duration of their time in a school environment is key.
Each school has their own individual SEN policy which provides details of the processes implemented to support SEN children. The Behaviour policy is also worth referencing when understanding the associated implications.
The initial support usually provided (if a child does not begin school with a higher level of support) is the equivalent of a My Plan. This provides an initial level of support which should be measurable by all parties concerned. Once a designated length of time has passed, if the My Plan has not been successful in supporting the child, they are able to apply for additional support, in the form of an EHCP, from the Local Education Authority.
The EHCP process will then assess the needs of your child and if they feel it is required, this document is issued and the setting has to provide the support specified within.
It is important to note that outside of this, a parent is able to apply for an EHCP without the input of the school. The details of how you can go about this can be found on the Local Education Authority website.
Should you require further details regarding obtaining the correct support for your child, please email sophie@tadahsen.co.uk or use the contact page.
SEN Library
We offer a free loan system of a wide range of resources to anyone within the Salisbury area (subject to purchase of any single item). For a full list of our current library and availability, please contact us by email.